
☆ Recent gets.

I'm terribly sorry for not updating as much as I would like to. School and work keep me really busy and I don't even have time to breathe, haha. Anyway school is ending soon and I'm really nervous because time passes so fast! Since I've got some free time this weekend, I'm showing you some of my last purchases (and presents).

 Here's a picture of everything. The black thing on the top is my new netbook. I forgot to take more pictures (><). We have a lot of stuff to do at school and since my laptop is really heavy I thought buying a lighter and smaller one would be a nice idea and it was, my back pain was reduced, haha.

This is a cat dress. I generally don't like wearing dresses since I think that they don't suit me at all (blame my manly face), but I couldn't resist to this one. It's sad that now it's too hot to wear it, sigh.

KERA magazine. I haven't bought a KERA before and since I had to buy some presents for my friends, I though it'd be a great opportunity and  I  love it!

Last but not least, the 23rd of April we celebrate Sant Jordi. Supposedly boys give roses to girls and girls give books to boys. This is the book I've received from my mother. It explains the different legends and myths that exist in Japan. It looks really interesting, I can't wait to start reading it!

I hope I can update more often.. bye!