
rilakkuma & food

It's been a while since the last time I wrote here.. sorry! (´;ω;`) I actually have a lot of ideas to blog about but I never do it.. but here I am! This time I'll show you a recent purchase and food (I love food too much).

This is my new rilakkuma alarm clock. When I saw it I fell in love so deeply and I had to buy it haha. It's really cute but the alarm sound is like a nightmare but it works! It wakes me up immediately.

A few days ago I met my boyfriend and we ate a lot (as usual since both of us love eating too much haha).
First stop was at subway. I had a teriyaki chicken sandwich (it tastes really good!) but I couldn't finish it all (´;ω;`)

Next stop was at a store that sells bubble tea. I'm in love with melon bubble tea so every time I go to Barcelona I have to get one!

Last stop was at the korean restaurant. I always feel bad because we always go to asian restaurants but we both love bibimbap too much and we couldn't resist this time either! In fact it was really cool because our table was near the tv and there were kpop videos! and the owner gave us some free kimchi (and I forgot to take pictures..) so it was great, haha.

Sorry for the bad quality of this one. The lighting there is not really good (´;ω;`)

And finally yesterday I went to my town with my mother and I suddenly saw this in a bakery. I thought it was really cool haha. I should have bought one!

I hope to post soon again!